Believe in Life

Monday, October 31, 2005

A Taurus female is compatible with a Taurus, Virgo or Gemini male

This is very bo liao...We went to Kino on Sat to read about our love signs, after a mutual male fren (who happens to be a Virgo male) remarked that since I am a Taurus female, we are suited for each other.

That sparked our interest in the topic, and we decided to make it our after-dinner AND dessert activity. Our quest: To look for our love signs.

I discovered that I am compatible with Taurus, Virgo or Gemini males, while my friends' compatibility were with some other signs (I can't rem cos I even have trouble remembering mine). The funny thing is all 3 of us had a love sign for Gemini male, which caused 1 of us to remark that our male friend's brother is suited for all of us. Haha!

Anyway, that further prompted my friends to remark that whenever we know any guys in future, we should not go further than asking for their horoscope.

Well, I am just thinking how much of such stuff is true/ how much weightage should we place on them? mean, it's all very well to talk about this, but what if a guy who is actually not compatible in terms of love sign , is right before us? Give him up cos he's not of the right love sign? Tt'll be weird rite?

In any case, it's fun reading about it. Maybe I should do a study on my friends to see if the love signs work right in their cases.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Love Story

Wun tok about work todae. Instead, I shall relate a luv story...

To qualify this as a luv story, the basic story plot must go sth like this: Boy likes gal, gal doesn't know. Boy gives up, and then and only then can the gal realise that he likes her, and surprise surprise! She likes him too. However, at this point in time, boy has given up and may be looking out for new conquests (read: gals who will reciprocate his luv).

To complicate matters, there are other guys lurking in the background after our female lead too. Though she has decided that she doesn't like them, she doesn't know how to go about telling the boy that she likes him too. I mean, after such a long while, the boy has given up, and it's anybody's guess if he's still pining for her.

Now, the reason why this story is particularly inspiring is because the gal only realises that he is the one for her now. She likes him because he can entertain her, make her laff, lift her spirits, and they are never bored with each other. This may also describe a state of friendship, which may explain why the gal only realises she likes him now. As a matter of fact, she is still in denial, only admitting that she MAY like him. In any case, there are many many guys out there who are better (in physical aspects e.g. good-looking), but our female lead has decided on our male lead, despite all these. This can only be True Love. It has gone beyond outer appearance.

I just wish the same story can be applied to me.

Friday, October 28, 2005

I asked!

OK, I opened my mouth to ask my boss. She said Good Idea, and she will think about it.

Not sure if I will succeed, but at least I have tried. And maybe..just maybe...I may succeed! I don't think she has considered letting my colleague take over the portfolio though, so I think I may just have a fair chance at this.

But she did emphasise that I must ensure I hand over my portfolio to this other colleague properly and that I must help her out. Guess she knows that the one taking over from me isn't exactly the most hardworking person. Instead, she's very family-oriented, if u get what I mean.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Undecided..Is my Future really for me to Decide?

Opportunity has presented itself in the form of a colleague's resignation. His post is vacant. Should I request for a change in portfolio?

There won't be any change to whom I will be reporting to. However, this guy's portfolio is better regarded than the one I currently hold. Instead of operation work and reporting on such trivial stuff (ha!), I will be working where I can put my expertise into use.

I have spoken to my colleague about this, and he is of the opinion that I should request for a change in portfolio. Whether or not the change will be approved is another matter, but at least I gave it a shot. I am however, unsure about the course of action that I should take. If I speak up and fail to secure the portfolio change, I might be blacklisted. There is also the problem that my boss may have a vested interest for keeping me at my present job, in light of the impending changes come 1 Nov, so my possibility of success may be close to zilch.

There is also the problem of another new staff eyeing the position (I heard from the colleague who resigned). She's more experienced than me, so I am not sure if I can beat her, unless I can pull rank by the mere fact of my parent company.

I also have the nagging worry that if my wish is granted and I get the change in job scope, I may be unable to handle the new job.

All in all, I have a self-created headache now. Should I be content about where I am, even though there may be a lack of prospect (but prospects will depend on how I twist it to my favour, rite?)? Or should I head bravely into the unknown, and step on people's toes if I don't succeed? I am confused...SUPER CONFUSED. Tell me what to do.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mixed Feelings

I have just been asked by my staff why I will not be supervising them come 1 Nov 2005. Did I choose not to, or was I forced to accept the decision?

The reason for bothering about this is because my promotion may be based on the number of staff I oversee. If the organisation chart shows me as an independent party, I may have problems substantiating my promotion (if any). Of course, conversely, I can argue that I am not a bona fide employee of the firm, so it may not matter that much.

Yet, I think that the organisation chart is important enough, because staff may not do what I want them to do if they view that I am not their reporting officer.

Like what I have said previously, if the organisation chart is going to be shown in this manner, they can be sure that I will be hands-off come 1 Nov. I will not bother if the party taking over can manage, cos I was also left to drown in the beginning. If I have to work late, I don't see why the indiv should be exempted just cos the indiv has a family to take care of.

Did I also mention that I will be moving from my workstation to make way for the indiv to sit in my place? This, I really don't mind, because I think my present workstation's fengshui is bad, giving me alot of work all the time. I know, superstitious..hahah...but still, I am moving to make way for the indiv. My position seemed to have been usurped.

In other news, people close to my boss (read: family) have been inflicted or suspected to be suffering from dengue. I know that I am really evil to even think this, but the word Rxtxxbution comes to mind. I know it should not manifest itself on people close to her, yet I feel a perverse sense of delight that she has to juggle both areas of her life. Especially when all deadlines are near and important people are going on leave. This is like the worst possible scenario.

Keeping my fingers crossed and options open after 1 November 2005. How?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Still At Work @ 10pm on a Friday Night

I know..this is to be expected after being on leave for 3 days.

Well, many returns are due at this juncture due to the half-year closing. What can I say?

Come 1 November, things should IMPROVE...hopefully. Things may get messier due to the department increasing in size. BUT since my role has changed to one of a management reporting position - or so they say (and not direct overseer of the staff), I should hopefully not be embroiled in the complexities of human relationships.

I have decided to be happy about where I am. Since I can't change my age or the way I am, I won't be able to change people's perception of me. I also would not be able to stop people from bullying me, since everyone thinks that I am an easy target. I shall strive not to be gullible, but that doesn't mean that I want to become CUNNING (since that's just not in my character).

Right, home sweet home for now. KTV and Chocolate Buffet tmr!! Sinful, but I luuuurrrvvve it!

* PS: The anonymous commenter who signed off as JH is not the same anonymous commentor who was commenting all along. This is for the benefit of people wondering. =)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

At the Airport

The title says it all. =)

i. My boss is a sadist. She told me at 7pm yesterday that she must have been mad to approve my leave. This is because we will have to rush alot of deadlines when back, which means I WILL HAVE TO BURN MIDNIGHT OIL on Thurs and Fri after I am back. She said it! I mean, isn't it sadistic, when she jolly well knows I am going on a holiday? She doesn't even want me to enjoy! But I wun fall for her ploy! I WILL ENJOY MYSELF!

ii. Just read my email. Someone whom I know committed suicide. He was aged 24 years old. Why? Although I am not close to him, and we merely know each other by sight, I am still shocked. Here I am brimming with joy at the thought of my impending holiday, and it is also here that I got this piece of shocking news. Why?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Out of Office =)

1. Still at work. Yes, I am stressed, but the fact that I will not be in Singapore for the next 5 days makes me smile.
2. It will be hell when I come back, due to the deadlines. But why worry about those dreadful stuff now?
3. My boss told me that she likes the speed I work at. I must remember
to S....L....O....W down in future, if not she will think that I am a sucker.
4. I directly told my boss(es) that I fell sick because I am overworked. HAH!
5. Starting to feel that my blog is well-written, since it is read by so many. Ok, I AM JOKING!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Blogger Anonymous (BA)

Join Blogger AnoNymous (BAN)!

Open to all anonymous commentors as well as bloggers (who have no photos or other obvious tell-tale signs pointing to their identity).

Ok, the above was redundant. =p

i. Back to work today. 1st half of the day went by quickly, since I wasn't working per se. I was networking at a Hotel...

ii. 2nd half of the day flew by even faster. Lotsa emails to clear. In fact, still in office now. But feeling fine, cos 1 more day to go before my holiday! The thought of it certainly perks me up and I can ignore/ close my eyes to the mess of work on my table (that I will NOT finish before I leave for my holiday).

iii. The office got on fine without me. This is GOOD! I want to be dispensable. =)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

1. No, I didn't seduce or hypnotise the doctor. He certainly did not give me the MC under duress.

2. I read 4 books in 3 days! =)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hey You, the Anonymous Commentor!

Forgot to reply to the Anonymous Commentor in my last entry

If you don't have my handphone number, it obviously only points to the fact that you don't know me. Do we even live in the same country? How did you stumble onto my blog? Why are you continuing to read my entries when we apparently are 2 unknown strangers to each other?

Call it the cynic in me, but right now, I think someone is pulling a quick one on me. Ok, so which one of you is playing a trick on me? Come on! Admit it!

Hm, but I must admit it does add a tinge of mystery to this whole thing. I can no longer rant like a mad woman on this blog, cos who knows who you are, right?

In any case, since you are unwilling to divulge your identity, let's play this game awhile more. Liven up my pathetic life alittle. Haha...

Be forwarned, since you apparently don't know me, there should not be any updates on this blog from this Sat to next Thurs.

3-Days MC

It amazes me that I was given 3-days MC for an ulcer on my left cheek. It's true that it was incredibly big and painful to the extent that I disallowed the doctor from touching my cheek with his ice-cream stick. It's also true that my left cheek was swollen due to it, but still...3-days!

I thought my hearing was affected when I heard '3-days' from the polyclinic doctor. (And I always thought that polyclinic doctors are super stingy. This IS the most generous MC that I am ever given.)

Aside from the loooooong wait, I decided that government servants have it good, cos the whole visit + medicine cost me like $2?

Think I shocked the whole office that I will be away for so long. For all the talk of covering officers, the plan somehow never extended to my position. And now they are stuck in an emergency situation which I think they are floundering over now even as I type. Can't say I feel apologetic though. I am enjoying myself, with no worries about deadlines, Finance Circular requirements etc. Wonders that a break can bestow.

Due to this abnormally big ulcer, my mum has proclaimed that although I may be earning an amount that may not be commensurated with my level of experience, this shouldn't mean that I need to sell my life to the job. Cos at the end of the day, if I am sick, only I myself will suffer from the pain etc, and not the firm. Again, she reminded me that no one is indispensable, and that I jolly well should know where to draw the line. Working 12-hrs everyday is no joke and even a robot can break down, much less a human (and not a very strong one at that).

Which brings me to my point that since I am not hankering after a promotion and/or I (or rather my parents) can afford to feed myself for a prolonged period of time without a job, why am I so IRRATIONALLY responsible and taking everything that is thrown onto my lap? In fact, that cannot be considered responsible, but plain STUPIDITY.

Now, even my body is protesting about the way I have been treating it (Remember that 5-cent ulcer? Not being kua zhang here, but it's really TT big.) Hence, my conclusion: I need to let go more...and when the time is up, I should go. If I can't meet their requirements, so be it. I am human after all, and it's time that they wake up to this fact. Maybe I am just realising this fact myself after experiencing the searing shots of pain into my brain over the past 5 days.

Speaking of which, the ulcer must heal itself within 1 week, if not it may signal something worse.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I have an ulcer the size of a 5-cent coin on the left side of my cheek. I can't eat or sleep or do anything else, cos the pain's consuming me. The whole left side of my face is throbbing with pain, and I am surviving each day on a liquid diet.

I can't concentrate on anything, not watching tv/ talking/ sleeping, and obviously not on work.

I wonder who the anonymous commentor is...Kindly identify yourself to me in real life, if you don't want to on my blog.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Irritation of the highest degree

It isn't easy to manage staff. It takes me great effort to control my temper when I am irritated beyond a certain level.

Giving me work at 5.30pm when we knock off at 6pm and indicating that the documents must be approved by today, sounds to me like someone isn't doing a job. I don't know where the breakdown occurred...may be the divisions or it may be my staff. It's not tt I mind working late, but there should be a limit. Just bcos I work late doesn't mean they should give me work at 5.30pm.

Anyway, the scenario goes like this. I asked in a boi song manner what time the divisions had given the information to Staff A. She looked irritated, and came over and started raising her voice to explain. I mean I am not unreasonable, and the truth is I wld have to work late in any case, but DON'T PUSH MY LIMITS!

What takes the cake is it turns out that she is angry with me now! Hm, so I am not supposed to ask? Sometimes, I think these people think that just bcos I am young and inexperienced, they can ride over me. BLOODY HELL!

Let me show them what I am capable of! Just because I am always smiling and laughing doesn't mean that I take all kinds of shit! Staff A was sorta threatening me, cos she said I can always not approve on that day itself, but reconciliation will be difficult. x*&^$#!@!

Anyway, I can back down on other things, but definitely not this. If she chooses to be angry, I can't help her too, although it will make working together harder.

Staff B is another problematic one. Always reporting for work at 9+am, when the official working hour starts from 8.30am. I talked to her about it, and it worked for all of 1 day!! Either I am very ineffective or she has no tolerance for waking early.

In a nutshell, it's hard to manage staff.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

My Life in the Past Week (26 - 30 Sep)

Monday: On course(see blog entry below). Managed to cut my hair and visit a part of Singapore that I rarely see. Enjoyed a hearty meal of curry fish head near Changi Beach.

Tuesday: Madness at work. Lots of things to clear. Boss wanted a contract to be signed by the end of the day. Panic attack due to that. (Luckily, I wriggled my way out because we discovered that it isn't cost-effective to sign the contract and immediately incur the costs.)

Wednesday: My boss shouted at me. As in literally yelled, to the extent that everyone was looking. Although she wasn't scolding me, I still felt abit buay song.

Thursday: I got really angry with one of my staff. I felt, and still feel that he can do much more. I literally told him that he better buck up, if not he may not get offered the position. (To clarify, he's a temp staff now, while waiting to be converted to perm.)

Friday: Healthy Lifestyle in the afternoon meant that I left work at 2.30pm for bowling and ktv session. Because bowling started at 1.30pm, I missed out on the bowling, although I managed to exercise my vocals.

Everything ended by 5pm, so I went to visit my ex-colleagues. I was very early for my gathering with another group of friends in the Tanjong Pagar area at 7pm.

Talked to my ex-colleagues and discovered quite a number of startling facts! I also learnt that I have already missed 7 timesheets to date! Haha..

Dinner Buffet at Pasta Mania (tri-concept restaurant) at CPF Building costs only $12 nett!! No drinks, but water is free, and a huge jug of soft drink only costs $3.50. Only on weekdays though. Quite worth it, I think. The brownie was good!! Pizza and pasta too! Stir-fried beef too..(Better stop, if not I sound like a glutton.)