Believe in Life

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To all my friends out there

Ok, I was lying when I said birthdays are losing their appeal to me. Truth is I appreciate it greatly if birthdays are remembered. I guess it was just my mood of the moment, which started me thinking of how old I am getting, with little achieved and even lesser direction/aim/purpose for the future.

On the flip side of the coin, I suppose I have more disposable cash on hand, more freedom to go out as and when I like, more realistic about things and more in control of my own emotions (you won't be able to tell from my blog entries..hahah.)

However, as one gets older, I do feel more distanced from the frens whom I grew up with, who shared in my happiness and tears. Maybe it's really my imagination or I am politicising everything, but it was more naive and pure in the past (at least to me) when I could just open my mouth to say whatever comes to mind. Not that it is deterring me now, but I will at least give more thought to how the receiving party will view it.

I guess having worked for close to 2 yrs now, this can be called maturity. I have learnt to phrase my words in a different manner or say things in a different light, depending on the type of person (e.g. detail-conscious; impulsive; receptive to ideas) I am talking to.

I supposed this is a good thing, yet a part of me wants to go back to the world where everything was painted in fairytale shades of glowing pink.

In this new year, I just hope I won't 'lose' more friends on the emotional heart-to-heart talk level. Perhaps we may not talk as much as before or be able to talk about heaven and earth, but yes, I am certainly there for each and every one of you should the need arise. To all our friendships forever!

(Btw, is this a sign of old age when one starts reminiscising about the past? =p )


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