Believe in Life

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

3-Days MC

It amazes me that I was given 3-days MC for an ulcer on my left cheek. It's true that it was incredibly big and painful to the extent that I disallowed the doctor from touching my cheek with his ice-cream stick. It's also true that my left cheek was swollen due to it, but still...3-days!

I thought my hearing was affected when I heard '3-days' from the polyclinic doctor. (And I always thought that polyclinic doctors are super stingy. This IS the most generous MC that I am ever given.)

Aside from the loooooong wait, I decided that government servants have it good, cos the whole visit + medicine cost me like $2?

Think I shocked the whole office that I will be away for so long. For all the talk of covering officers, the plan somehow never extended to my position. And now they are stuck in an emergency situation which I think they are floundering over now even as I type. Can't say I feel apologetic though. I am enjoying myself, with no worries about deadlines, Finance Circular requirements etc. Wonders that a break can bestow.

Due to this abnormally big ulcer, my mum has proclaimed that although I may be earning an amount that may not be commensurated with my level of experience, this shouldn't mean that I need to sell my life to the job. Cos at the end of the day, if I am sick, only I myself will suffer from the pain etc, and not the firm. Again, she reminded me that no one is indispensable, and that I jolly well should know where to draw the line. Working 12-hrs everyday is no joke and even a robot can break down, much less a human (and not a very strong one at that).

Which brings me to my point that since I am not hankering after a promotion and/or I (or rather my parents) can afford to feed myself for a prolonged period of time without a job, why am I so IRRATIONALLY responsible and taking everything that is thrown onto my lap? In fact, that cannot be considered responsible, but plain STUPIDITY.

Now, even my body is protesting about the way I have been treating it (Remember that 5-cent ulcer? Not being kua zhang here, but it's really TT big.) Hence, my conclusion: I need to let go more...and when the time is up, I should go. If I can't meet their requirements, so be it. I am human after all, and it's time that they wake up to this fact. Maybe I am just realising this fact myself after experiencing the searing shots of pain into my brain over the past 5 days.

Speaking of which, the ulcer must heal itself within 1 week, if not it may signal something worse.


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