Believe in Life

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mixed Feelings

I have just been asked by my staff why I will not be supervising them come 1 Nov 2005. Did I choose not to, or was I forced to accept the decision?

The reason for bothering about this is because my promotion may be based on the number of staff I oversee. If the organisation chart shows me as an independent party, I may have problems substantiating my promotion (if any). Of course, conversely, I can argue that I am not a bona fide employee of the firm, so it may not matter that much.

Yet, I think that the organisation chart is important enough, because staff may not do what I want them to do if they view that I am not their reporting officer.

Like what I have said previously, if the organisation chart is going to be shown in this manner, they can be sure that I will be hands-off come 1 Nov. I will not bother if the party taking over can manage, cos I was also left to drown in the beginning. If I have to work late, I don't see why the indiv should be exempted just cos the indiv has a family to take care of.

Did I also mention that I will be moving from my workstation to make way for the indiv to sit in my place? This, I really don't mind, because I think my present workstation's fengshui is bad, giving me alot of work all the time. I know, superstitious..hahah...but still, I am moving to make way for the indiv. My position seemed to have been usurped.

In other news, people close to my boss (read: family) have been inflicted or suspected to be suffering from dengue. I know that I am really evil to even think this, but the word Rxtxxbution comes to mind. I know it should not manifest itself on people close to her, yet I feel a perverse sense of delight that she has to juggle both areas of her life. Especially when all deadlines are near and important people are going on leave. This is like the worst possible scenario.

Keeping my fingers crossed and options open after 1 November 2005. How?


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