Believe in Life

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I hv taken the 1st step

I hv taken the 1st step yesterday. Now, I just need to pray for perseverence and presence of mind to strive on. It may not be much to others, but it is a step in the right direction for me. And for once, it is my personal choice.

I don't know why I managed to convince myself to make the 1st move. I guess I am just tired of the 'what-ifs'. I want my future to be controlled by myself and my own actions, and not wonder what may have been.

This seems to apply to other parts of my life as well, but I wun be doing anything about those any time soon because I lack the courage. Let's just take things one step at a time and see what improvements there can be.

I will need encouragement and motivation to carry on. I hope this decision will have positive repercussions on my life.


At 2:19 pm, Blogger LKY said...

Hmm... I dunno what decision you have made, but as a friend, I'd give you all the moral support that you need. =)

At 8:50 am, Blogger Belief in Life said...

I dun want to 'jinx' my resolution by stating it upfront, so I wun tok about wat decision I have made. Thanks for the word of encouragement though! =)


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