Believe in Life

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I have been thinking about friendship and the meaning of it, due to certain episodes.

One of my frens somehow incurred the wrath of her close fren to the extent that the close fren told her that she need not speak to her in future any longer. The problem is that this close fren did not tell my fren what 'crime' she committed. I believe it was a really close frenship bcos my fren told me that she felt worse (magnified by 100 times) than if the guy she likes telling her that he doesn't like her.

Somehow, I wonder what did my fren do to incur such a reaction. If their frenship went back a long way, shouldn't this fren understand my fren better? If not, isn't it better for the frenship to end now? In any case, aren't we old enuff to sit down and tok properly?

Another of my frens encountered the same thing and she felt very bad at that time too. The reason for the 'break' was really frivalous.

Maybe it all boils down to fate. When the 'yuan fen' is up, no matter what we do, the 'yuan fen' will also cease. I know it is not that comforting, and I am not saying to give up on the frenship, but I really wonder how did a frenship that transcend over at least 5 years deteriorate to that extent so suddenly?

I can't help but feel that being close frens, everyone may have taken one another for granted. This is aggravated if you have a fren like me, who likes to project a strong image to others (I mean who likes to show her weakness to others?) Then no one will know if you are hurting or feeling vulnerable. Communication is key, isn't it?

Hence, I will just like to tell my fren to take things easy. The frenship may be lost forever (and that can't be helped), but it's no use thinking and going over it repeatedly since history can't be changed. Just thank your close fren for the good times in the past and move on, difficult as it may be. In the long term, it may do you and your fren more good...


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