Believe in Life

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Long Weekend

I simply love long weekends...the days stretch ahead and time seems to be neverending. I will have enough time to sleep, watch tv, shop, catch up with frens, and most importantly, get myself in the right frame of mind again.

So let's see what has transpired this week thus far:

  1. I went KTVing on Fri, and shared a pretty thought-provoking dinner with my colleagues. They told me that I belonged to a different spectrum from them, due to the fact that my usual circle of frens also belong to that spectrum. This is as compared to them being in another spectrum, which if I may say so, can be deemed to be lower. However, I must qualify by saying that regardless of supposedly which spectrum we belong in, what matters most is being happy. Yet, I do feel that sometimes, I am falling behind in my current spectrum, which makes me wonder if I should change spectrum.
  2. Highlighted and trimmed my hair on Sat morning. This signifies a new beginning for me. That guy is just so not worth my effort, so yah, I am moving on. There may not be another guy, but well, it's all fated. And yes, I still have faith in my own abilities to attract. Ha!
  3. Went to play board games and catch up with the usual gang on Sat afternoon. It was FUN! Played till my palms started watering, which meant that I was getting nervous. That's not good...means that I am not too scared to lose. Perhaps I should also learn that losing is no big deal.
  4. Began and finished watching My Lovely Samsoon vcds borrowed from Spinkypinkie. 16 episodes it was really no big deal as compared to Da Chang Jin. I liked the show, although I think it's unrealistic and not reflective of the real world out here.

But yes, I harbour hope..Although I am not that thin, not that fantastically pretty, walk ugily, has a big head, I have a good heart, head and am funny to boot. How's that for a power combi? Haha...

In other news, my house's computer has totally conked off. It kept prompting us to reboot hard disk and querying us for a password which is non-existent. Computer experts say that it has been infected by a virus. So that's bye-bye to that com. That's sad...

I have also been appointed something thankless at the last minute. This thankless duty means that I have to work on Sat and wake up at an ungodly hour. But I console myself that I may not get the experience again. How's that for lucky?

I also yet again won another pair of movie tickets at a company's contest. Didn't I say that I am lucky?


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