Believe in Life

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A friend told me yesterday that she was sinking deeper and deeper into the hole that she dug herself. She had earlier thought that she had climbed out of it, but apparently it was not to be, with the latest news (read: gossip) that we had gotten wind of.

She further told me that perhaps she did not wish to get out of the hole, since it gave her an aim in life. She can at least entertain her fantasies while being buried under work.

I think that's quite an optimistic way of looking at things, cos I personally feel that the hole should be artificially covered with a drain cover or sth, rather than being left exposed to the elements.

The hole covered by a drain cover will allow normal occurrence of events. If the hole is left open, my fren will be susceptible to all the hurt and unease that she is feeling now. Conversely, with a drain cover (temporary refuge that it is), the negative feelings won't filter in as quickly.

Maybe all this is redundant talk. The hole should have been plugged in the 1st instance. Then there will be no sadness to speak of. Let others dig the hole instead.


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