Believe in Life

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Of Bread and Love

Yesterday's talking point over lunch was on Bread vs Love.

Man A: His gf and him started from Gardenia stage individually, and now they were still at Gardenia stage together. BUT he will aspire to upgrade to Delifrance, but it's not necessary to do so.

Man B: The couple was at Gardenia stage now, but he will strive to be at Breadtalk stage before settling down. So yes, more ambitious than Man A.

To be fair, both did indicate that they are ambitious, just not hungering over it with no regard for the price paid for achieving success.

To me, it was like Heartlander vs Cosmopolitan. My frens (and you should know who you are) are the kind who MUST achieve success before they progress on to other stages of their life, and by success, they don't mean setting up a family with 2 kids before hitting 30.

I am not saying one is better than the other, but it brought home the differing values and importance placed.

So where am I? I am not ambitious, but neither do I want to settle for Gardenia. Maybe I should settle for whatever fate brings me?

Man B told me that I am projecting an image that I am hard to please, hard to maintain and set high standards. Man A agreed readily to that too. Is that really so? So I may be at Delifrance in the eyes of others, but I feel that I am at most at Breadtalk, cos personally I don't feel I am that hard to please or set high standards.

If comparisons are made, I am obviously luckier since I have never really tasted failure or being unable to achieve what I want. Yet when compared to people at Delifrance or beyond, I really am at Gardenia.

All in all, I guess where we want to progress to really depends on where we are currently. If we are on the ground, climbing up a hump will be an achievement alr. But if we have scaled the hump, we will look towards climbing Bukit Timah Hill and after that, Mt KK and then Mount Everest. Our view really depends on where we started from.

Thus, it is more important to find someone who shares the same view and who is willing to strive on in the same direction, so as to achieve a shared goal. This simply transcends the Heartlander/Cosmopilitan divide.


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