Believe in Life

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Moving on

I am alright!!! YES! I have decided to leave any baggage I have behind and move on.

Though I dun noe what's the full impact on my life as yet, e.g. being even more protective of myself, never daring to try out new things etc, I am determined not to let this get me least to the outside world.

What I am experiencing in my inner self is of cos another ting, and well, it takes time to heal. Cracks will definitely be left behind, but these will serve as a warning or reminder to me. I dun tink that I will trust so easily again. Which may be a good thing, since if I dun trust tt easily, I wun get hurt tt easily too. In my own cocoon, I shall seek comfort.

I have also been tinking more and more about religion and faith. I want to, or need to believe and trust in a greater being, cos I do not have any solutions. I only know that in times of fear, I myself am not calm enough to bring me through those trying times. I need to inject myself with a stabiliser and avoidance is not it.

I will always. Even if I fail, I am heartened to know that I still have good frens. The world only looks down upon me, so far as I allow them to affect me. Acceptance by others is really not as important as acceptance of myself. And perhaps that's where the problem lies all along..


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