An Update on the Work Status
Remember that I was talking about asking for a change in job scope and that there was another competitor? Guess what?
We both lost to a 3rd unknown competitor! Haha! This 3rd gal popped out from nowhere, and reliable sources tell me that she has actually resigned from another more famous branch. However, due to her exceptional qualities, the company has decided to redeploy her here!
Can't say that I feel sore, because my boss actually asked me last week if I wanted to do my current job AND the new job. I told her 'NO WAY'. I mean, come on, it's not humanly possible, even though I may be efficient.
In addition, she also kindly told me that she didn't like to place people from my parent company in any key position in my current 1, because we will eventually go back to the parent company. I feel that she is missing the point actually. The reason for us being redeployed to the current 1 is for us to help the company right its ways. Also, with a more indepth understanding of how all the associate companies work, the parent company will be better able to manage and craft out ways and means to help them. This is to realign everyone's interest too.
Anyway, I replied her frankly that if she misses this point, she might as well just send people from the parent company back. After all, they were the ones who requested for help. In addition, they can start recruiting from the mass market too, since these people will/may not leave.
OK, enough about the nonsensical thinking that my associate company seems to have (or maybe it's only my boss). The heir-apparent has requested to see me alone next month. Well, it can't be sth bad, since if it is, it will be an immediate meeting. Why do I feel that I am carrying the weight of the parent company everywhere I go?
Wah! Your reply to your boss is very gung ho! Wish I have the guts to be this frank to my boss when she's unreasonable (=all the time). Haha.
Yah lor...I wish I had ur forthright character sometimes...I am the mindless sheep, much the exact opposite of you. Agree with everything...haha!
oh man oh man... i dont even dare to ask my boss for leave yet! =p
Sorry, had been busy. Plus not really a blog reader, if you ask me. I recently posted a comment on your Oct 30 post. pls read
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