Believe in Life

Monday, September 19, 2005

Me a Workholic or a Perfectionist?

What have I been doing since my last post 10 days ago? Searching for an answer inside my head, and the only obvious answer that pops out of my head is WORK.

How depressing...Not that I am being grossly overpaid or recognised for the efforts that I am 'investing' in my job. In my family's opinion, I have been seeing too much of my office and its surroundings for the past week. My sentiments exactly! As if I choose to stay back...

But then again, if I don't have my work to occupy me, what would I have been otherwise doing? It scares me sometimes to think about the fact that I am becoming a workholic...No life beyond work, or at least minimal life. What the heck am I doing right? What is becoming of my life?!

Really..what's the point of me working so hard? To prove something? I am not ambitious the only reason I can think of is because I have nothing more fulfilling to occupy my time? The bad news is work takes up TOO MUCH of my time then. Or maybe I am just a perfectionist, which means that I can't go home until things are done the way that I want them to be done. Me a perfectionist?

Right now, I just want to leave the office by 7pm every Mon-Thurs, and 5.30pm on Fri. That's not too much to ask for, right? Let's see if I can attain though...


At 10:03 pm, Blogger XY said...

Hmmm... looks like the viewership for your blog is not bad huh?

Anyway, just wanna let you know that when it comes to things like being workaholic, you are not alone yah? Same here... =P

At 11:23 am, Blogger orderin said...

Just curious.. what is the average work day like for you? what time do you knock off? Anyway, take care and don't kill yourself over work, yah?

At 10:10 pm, Blogger sigal said...

i know what it's like. I often feel like a sucker becuase i'm so dedicated


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