I Have Learnt...
Ok, compared to a few days ago, my mood has improved considerably. Yes, the problems may still be there, but taking things holistically, they aren't that bad.
I have learnt from this episode in my life that:
- I have friends! Iam thankful to all these friends who have rallied around me, esp after they have seen my blog post. Maybe no one expected me to have that big a reaction, but well, it's the 1st time that my mum is in hospital for this long (she is still in the hospital as I type now.)
- Never make mountains out of a molehill. If everyone else insist on blowing matters up, we should remain calm and not get stressed and worked up as things blow bigger. Eventually, everyone else should realise that they are making mountains out of a molehill and see the wisdom in our words.
- It's the attitude and the mindset that really matters. If one persists in thinking negatively, it is a guarantee that problems will just seemed bigger and then the whole spiral of stuff will get out of hand, and soon one will slip into depression.
- Having abled staff who do not panic when you are helps alot.
- Having the ability to lose my job in the worst case scenario really reduced the amount of pressure I felt. This brings me to the point that one shouldn't have a family or too many loans to repay, cos the mthly income will matter too much and then the pressure will get to us. When we bear with all this pressure for too long, heart attack/high blood pressure may result. So yah, it may be a better idea not to get married and don't overspend on credit!
- I should admit when I have done wrong, regardless of the implications I may faced. But yes, in the corporate world, we should minimise the full impact of our mistake (rem pt 2 above - never make mountains out of molehills.)
- Being able to keep cool in the face of adversity is the mark of true maturity. This is regardless of how vulnerable one may feel inside. It's all in the image one is projecting.
- A leader will only be respected if he/she takes responsibility for the mistakes his/her team has committed. The leader should not be trying to shirk responsibility since this is his/her team that we are talking about.
Right, that's it! 8 points for prosperity and growth in the new year! =)
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