Believe in Life

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My New Year Resolutions

It's the new year! In my bid to always improve myself, I shall name a few resolutions that I shall try to adhere to (remind me if I don't):

1. I shall stop biting my nails. It's a bad habit and I start whenever I get too stressed up or angry. So yes, I shall stop biting. I am old enough to handle myself better.

2. I shall lessen my gossiping and shall only mention good things about others. Of cos, this doesn't mean I lose my sense of humour, but I don't want to regret things I have said when I am old and on my deathbed. I shall take responsibility for my own actions and words. Thankfully, I don't think I have said anything that horrendously bad that I cannot make amendments for, so I can still die in peace.

3. I shall work hard at work, but will maintain a healthy balance between work and play. (Should be easy to achieve, if people continue to piss me off.)

As for good stuff that I want to continue this year:

a. I want to remain happy (or even happier), despite difficult periods that I will inevitably experience.

b. I want to continue going home for dinner more days in the week than not.

c. I want to continue being luved despite being not very luvable (at times).

More abstract resolutions that should be harder to achieve:

i. I hope to be really confident inside, instead of always being on the defensive.

ii. I hope to be more generous in spirit - giving compliments when they are deserved, and not being jealous or vengeful for all that I may not have.

iii. I shall look upon matters in a positive light and hope to be able to think less when it comes to negative thoughts that always revolve around 'worst case scenarios'.


At 12:46 pm, Blogger orderin said...

gzai.. you are not nice...spelling is so overrated anyway...
one suggestion about your resolutions: since they are so intangible, you have to look for some benchmarks to make sure you are hitting them... still very admirable!


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