Believe in Life

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Something happened yesterday that was weird.

From feeling guilty, I started to feel that there may be something seriously wrong with person #A.

It all started cos I said I felt guilty about something that I had unwittingly caused, which may cause problems to a 3rd party. #A replied to say that I should meditate on a sutra and find a way out. I seriously thought #A was joking, and I wanted to rebutt that if this is an idea of a joke...BUT next thing I knew, the sutra arrived in my sms inbox.

I decided then that there was nothing more I can say to #A since #A seemed on a different wavelength to mine.

However, later at night, #A msged me to ask if my guilt was misplaced since everything seemed fine. I replied, saying that it only APPEARS fine and that I was neverthless worried.

I was then told that I am a worrier, constantly worrying over non-existent things. And I quote..'So what's new?' #A said.

I was furious! I told #A in no uncertain terms that #A was in no position to judge. So be it. I can 'worry' what I want to, and #A can think as #A likes.

The reply? #A said #A is unqualified to judge and we should do what we may.

DUH -_- What a waste of my time and smses yesterday! It left me with a foul taste in my mouth and reminded me once again that some people are just weird.

But being the 'worrier' that I am, I have started to think if #A has a bigger problem than let on. #A sounded abnormal to me..I mean what kind of a person speaks like this? And #A was saying one nasty thing and then retracting it. It's weird..Is stress getting to #A or sth?

To end off:

'Open our hearts to the idea that there are those who are different'


'People need not become their illness.'

Cheers to a great day ahead!


At 8:26 am, Blogger Belief in Life said...

How do you know that Person #A is a guy?

Yah, encountered lotsa weird guys...including you.

At 9:59 am, Blogger LKY said...

haha... anyways, just wanna let you noe that "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" is a better read than "Tuesdays with Morrie" IMHO. So you might wanna go check it out. =)


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