Believe in Life

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Maternal Instinct

Discovered on Friday that one of my colleagues is 23 yrs old and expecting her 1st child (she is married of course).

With my present state of maturity, I find it inconceivable that I could be the one married and pregnant. When is one ready to be a mother? When will the maternal instinct kick in?

Monetarily, I think I can afford to have a family (if we aren't talking about std of living), i.e. buy a HDB and maybe even a car. But once a baby is born, the whole ball game in life will differ dramatically.

Suddenly, I will not be responsible for myself only. I need to think for the baby and adjust my life around him/her. The decision of having a child has much more implications than merely the monetary drain.

Maybe I have never met the right guy. It has never ever crossed my mind that I will want to bear a kid of Mr X, who will have our genetic codes in him/her somehow. This baby will be the fruit of our love, a testimony that our lives will forever be intertwined.

The mere act of sex is different from wanting to bear a child with Mr X. The level of commitment is different on a emotional and mental level. In our society, perhaps both have been associated to be the same, but when it comes down to the crux, there is a distinct difference btw the 2.

Perhaps tis is y the birth rate in Singapore is getting hit. Gals have no confidence in our guys to stand by us through thick and thin. How confident can we then be in bringing up a kid on our own? Not that it's impossible, but how many women will be able to shoulder everything?

Perhaps I am thinking too much, considering the absence of Mr X. But i certainly do not think that i am ready by a long shot to be entrusted with the upbringing of the future generation, one whom will have my blood flowing thru him/her.


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