Shorter Posts
I have been informed by my frens that I have been writing posts that are much too long. Can't help it..i was totally bored out of my mind for the past week at work. I will strive to write more concisely in future.
NDP Preview was hiliarious! 'And now, SIMULATING the arrival of minister mentor and the ministers of state. Also, the arrival of minister xxxx at the heartlands.' After which, we would be treated to a gang of NS guys (or school boys) dressed in the PAP signature white smiling and waving to the public! They were simply hilarious!! They were even picked such that if the minister is a malay, a malay boy would simulate the minister etc.
NDP Preview isn't quite as atmospheric as the real NDP itself. Or maybe it is because I am older now. I can't help but feel detached by the surroundings. I wonder if this makes me less of a Singaporean? I was also not as impressed by the firework display or the arrival of the Red Lions. Basically, I was there physically but somewhat detached emotionally.
I bade my farewell to my office colleagues of 2 mths. 1 gal asked how old i am. I said I am quite young. She said she thought that I was older than her. *gasp* Not that she is old, but seriously, looking at her, nobody will think that I am older than her. The reason why she thought that i was older is real gd: ' I just thought from the way you carry yourself and everything that you are really mature.' I wanted to laugh my head off, but i had to politely nod my head. My friend told me that I must have done a very good job of pretending in my 2 months there. No wonder i did not feel natural at all.
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