More than just gifts
Presents have been exchanged/ given this Christmas season. Frens whom I have not been keeping in touch with have also popped up with smses and emails.
More than just the simple act of a present or an sms/ email, it is the meaning or significance behind the act of giving that is most crucial.
As we grow older, certain topics have become taboo. People aren't as frank as before, or perhaps we all have matured. Though certain things aren't mentioned, I hope that the right message is still getting across. If the day ever arrives that we are just gathering for the sake of miting up, or for old times' sake, I guess we have all fallen prey to the whole process of growing up.
I certainly want to be as carefree as before. I do not want the perils of working to colour my views of the world. I want to be frank with frens, to be able to voice out my concern. Yet, I have realised that people do not want to hear unpleasant things. I want us to behave naturally with one another, just like those times when we were still schooling.
Yet I know that is an impossible dream, as we have all grown up, and our lens have started decolourising as part and parcel of working.
Perhaps I am the sceptic and one shld only tok about happy things this season. However, I sincerely wish for all of us to be honest, open and sincerely happy when in one other's company. I wish for all of us to grow up and mature, but yet not lose the spirit of our childhood. I wish that things can remain simple despite the complexities of society. I wish that we can all realise that it is only as complicated as we think it to be.
Well said!
Thanks! =)
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