Believe in Life

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Warm Fuzzy Reunion

A friend is back from US and we met at her house over the weekend. A group of us sitted in the garden, reminiscing about the past..the days when we were still kids (but thinking we are adults). Periodically, laughter would be heard and I got this warm fuzzy feeling.

Despite additions to the group in the form of the partners, the mood was still one of familiarity, comfort and ease, despite not having met for a long time.

Indeed, everyone has grown up and have different worries now, ranging from the right job, appropriate job fit, satisfaction with life and of cos the more mundane one of studies, assignments and exams for the few guys who are still studying.

I wonder what we will think about when we look back on this period 10 years down the road. By then, I suppose we will be talking about the perils of married life, the terribly spoilt kids that we may inevitably bring up, the ageing process and whether we need botox etc.

It is really quite a good feeling, knowing that these are the people who sorta grew up together with me, whom I went overseas with, whom I can bank on not to laugh at me when I need them. Maybe it is all one-sided, maybe I am getting old, but I am really starting to believe in the lyrics of Weilian's song 朋友一直都在


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