Believe in Life

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Can it possibly be Love at First Sight?

Been pretty free the past few days. This comes with the fact that I have finished up on the remaining tasks and the knowledge that I would not be around for much longer at the current place. Realise that I am uprooting myself to fit into a whole new environment for the 2nd time within 2 months! I must really adapt quickly and very well, but I suppose this is good practice.

I just received the specialist's letter on whether I can attend the Outward Bound School course from 16-18 August. The doc is really clever - he did not fill in the part on whether he thinks that I am fit/unfit to go for the course. Instead he filled in a whole load of comments under Special Condition that Needs Attention. He wrote, 'Patient has limb-girdle dystrophy and is not suitable for exercise. Should not be in any dangerous situation e.g. steep slope and deep water'. Frankly, whoever reads that will obviously be afraid for their own self-interest, so even if I ended up going for the course, I can predict that I will simply be there for show. They would not let me take part in any activity at all, which would totally defeat my purpose for being there. Can't say that I am too keen to go for the course actually, so no loss. But the plus point for going is that I get to skip 3 days of work! That's so attractive!!

My ex-colleague emailed me excitedly yesterday that the company is giving out bonus for the 1st time to Year 1 assistants! 1.5 months!! I totally missed out on that, but well, thinking from the other perspective, if I had not quit at the point when I did, I wouldn't know if I wld leave at all after that. This is because I wasn't even applying for any jobs after December. So yah, being Ah-Q again, I lose the 1.5mths bonus, but I gain in the long run in terms of job satisfaction and a brighter future (I hope!).

Another friend was telling me the other day about meeting a guy. The guy seems to have been struck by Cupid's Arrow upon seeing her! They have been fervently msging and msning each other every day, and there was even an outing organised with 2 weeks of meeting each other! Call me old-fashioned, but I seriously am sceptical about Love at First Sight. Paraphrasing what I read in Life under quotes by famous people, if there's love at 1st sight, where does that leave the blind? Or maybe I should say love at 1st sight is just one of the variations of love? so the blind cannot actually love at 1st sight, but they are entitled to love through other ways and avenues.

Ok, mayb so. but still I have my own reservations on love at 1st sight. It seems to be concocted by some superficial being (most prob guys, led by their natural instinct. a generalisation here, but yah, i think that guys are the physical lover while gals are the mental/emotional lover). How can anyone love someone else without knowing the character/hobbies/likes and dislikes? If it's all based on looks, how can the relationship last? Or should I evoke the magical word of 'fate' to explain this, since I for sure cannot think of any logical explanation? Okok, I know, love is never logical. Those famous sayings of love...who can ever forget them? Maybe when one is in love, the world will be different, everything would appear in airy-fairy light.

Haha..I should stop laughing at her expense. Poor gal, she is in denial now, because she also does not believe in love at 1st sight. This causes her to feel guilty that she can actually like the guy, because that would indirectly mean that she is superficial. This also explains why she tried to explain why she and the guy cannot 'click', and that another ex-suitor fitted her more. Funny then that at that point in time, she didn't accept the ex-suitor, yah? I mean, there must of course be a reason for not accepting the guy, so if the problem existed then, it should exist now too.

Simply put, although i don't believe in love at 1st sight, I hope this fren can prove me wrong! And to my fren, i just want to say: Just because you happened to be one of the lucky ones, does not mean that you are superficial! maybe you can convince me and the rest of the non-believers that Love at First Sight truly exists! May the world be full of such airy fairy nonsense, because that would mean that everyone is in love!!!


At 6:52 pm, Blogger Belief in Life said...

Thank you! Wow, u r the 1st person who commented on my blog w/o knowing me!

At 9:46 am, Blogger orderin said...

I did as GZ told...hahhaa.... it is because the subject matter was love which gets translated into sexual attraction which then morphs into something skanky?? =p


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